Vivid green risotto

Mixed seasonal greens, Parmesan & fresh herbs

Vivid green risotto

Vivid green risotto

Serves Serves 6
Time Cooks In30 minutes
DifficultyNot too tricky
Nutrition per serving Plus
  • Calories 425 21%
  • Fat 15.2g 22%
  • Saturates 6.5g 33%
  • Sugars 2.6g 3%
  • Salt 2.23g 37%
  • Protein 10g 20%
  • Carbs 62.6g 24%
  • Fibre 2.7g -
Of an adult's reference intake
Tap For Method


  • 180 g mixed seasonal greens , such as kale, cavolo nero, swiss chard, spinach, broccoli
  • 1.8 litres organic vegetable stock
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 70 g Parmesan cheese , plus extra to serve
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • 1 onion
  • 2 small knobs of unsalted butter
  • 400 g risotto rice
  • ½ a bunch of fresh thyme or marjoram , (15g)
  • 125 ml white wine
  • ½ a lemon
Tap For Method

The cost per serving below is generated by and is based on costs in individual supermarkets.  For more information about how we calculate costs per serving read our FAQS

Tap For Ingredients


  1. Wash and prep 180g of mixed seasonal greens, removing any tough stalky bits, as necessary. Meanwhile, bring 1.8 litres of vegetable stock to a simmer over a medium heat.
  2. Add the prepped greens to the stock, pop the lid on and cook for 3 minutes, or until just tender.
  3. Carefully remove the greens to a blender using tongs, add 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and season to taste with sea salt and black pepper.
  4. Finely grate in 40g of Parmesan cheese, add 1 ladleful of stock then whiz until super-smooth, loosening with a little more stock, if needed.
  5. Trim and finely chop 2 sticks of celery and peel and finely chop 1 onion, then place in a large, high-sided pan on a medium heat with 1 knob of unsalted butter. Cook for 10 minutes, or until softened but not coloured, stirring occasionally.
  6. Stir in 400g of risotto rice to toast for 2 minutes, then pour in 125ml of white wine and stir until absorbed.
  7. Tip the hot stock into a jug, then dunk and swirl in ½ a bunch of fresh thyme or marjoram (15g) for bonus flavour.
  8. Pour a decent splash of stock into the pan and wait until it’s been fully absorbed before adding another, stirring constantly and adding splashes of stock until the rice is tender but still holding its shape – it will take 16 to 18 minutes.
  9. When the rice has absorbed all the stock, start gradually adding up to half the blended greens (save the rest for another day), stirring until slightly thickened.
  10. Turn off the heat, add 1 knob of unsalted butter, grate in 30g of Parmesan and stir to combine.
  11. Taste and season to perfection with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice, then pop the lid on and leave to rest for a minute or two before serving. Finish with a fine grating of Parmesan, if you like.


If you're short on time, the bags of frozen sofrito base you can get in the supermarket can be super-handy.

Have fun with different cheeses here. If you don't have Parmesan, any hard cheese would work, or indeed some crumbly goats cheese would be great, too.

Freeze any leftover vivid greens sauce for another day – totally delicious tossed through pasta for a super-quick midweek meal.

Always use a wine that you're happy to drink – white wine or rosé work well here. And, if you don’t want to use wine, simply leave it out.

Choose arborio, baldo, carnaroli, vialone nano or roma varieties of rice – these all absorb stock well, giving you that lovely thick, velvety texture.

Never wash your rice beforehand as this removes the starch, which is what helps give risotto its smooth texture.

Cook your risotto on a low, simmering heat and add the stock gradually, one ladle at a time – this gives the rice time to fully absorb the liquid and flavour.

Rushing your risotto will only ruin its texture. It’s well worth the wait, rather than risking undercooked rice.

Adding too much stock or leaving the pan on the heat for too long will overcook the risotto, causing the rice to become stodgy. It should be fat and tender on the outside, but still have a little bite in the centre.

Any leftover risotto can be turned into delicious bite-sized arancini. Simply fill with mozzarella, roll in breadcrumbs and deep-fry. What a treat!